Hippy Killer Hoedown 4
A couple weeks before Kutty's event the weather reports started forecasting some pretty questionable climates and conditions for Hippy Killer 4. Kutty's family and his friends put a lot into an event like HK so I knew the Notebooms had to be stressing on how mother nature would pan out. I was texting Kutty and Jamie every other day a couple weeks before the show to reassure him the weather will be fine..... Lucky for him and everyone else not a drop of rain came down and it was party time. Hippy Killer 4 was more amazing than the last and I'm sure thats all Kutty hopes for each year. The turn out was awesome and the machines came out from everywhere.This year Loser Machine hosted a Meet and ride from The Flying Elephant in Carlsbad to the Hippy Killer Hoedown in Winchester California. Here are some pictures from the days event..... Thanks to Kutty for having us and more importantly his friendship.
Big Sleep is fired from being pack leader.
Not sure what Justin from HK is doing here.. Must be good acid.
Damon announcing Loser Machine's Pick of show.
Loser machine's pick of show went to Danny Takahashi's 47' knuckle
Danny seems stoked on his Loser trophy built and painted by Mikey Rat.
Till next year !