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It was a glorious day at this years Born-Free 4

All the build up came to a head this past weekend at Born-Free 4 and we are still recovering. Amazing support for the show brought in a crowd of about 15,000 people throughout the course of the day. We definitely want to thank Mike and Grant for taking care of us with the Loser Machine hut that gave us some shade and a nice place to stash our coolers and Pabst Blue Ribbon. (Thank you Steve Nielson). Matt Olsen and Caleb came up a big. Matt's knuckle got Shige's nod and they are headed to Yokohama Japan for this years Hot Rod Custom Show 2012. Caleb was picked by the other 22 builders for the second year in a row! Each and every one of the 23 builders poured their heart and souls in to the bikes and it showed. What a lineup.......

Friday night as the show was getting set up and the builders bikes were rolling in to position, Dean and his missing partner in crime Matt from DicE magazine teamed up with us to premier Michael Schmidt's movie, 6OVER. Get you hands on a copy, I know I enjoyed gaining some more insight on the 6 characters. Thank you for having us as part of the launch gents.

If you didn't make it to Oak Canyon for BF4 prey that Mike and Grant keep their sanity and roll in to show 5 for 2013, it was a blast!